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Meet Sophia

My passion is to inspire you to find and live your purpose, achieve your personal and professional goals, find joy and develop strong resilience so that you can overcome and persevere through life's challenges.


Contact me if you are looking for a personal and executive coach, inspiring motivational speaker or leadership trainer and team builder with over 30 years of business experience to help you on your journey to live your purpose and achieve your goals.  

Are you ready to close the gap between where you are and where you REALLY want to be? 

If so, here I am, contact me!

Our Services


Personal & Executive Coaching

Personal Coaching:  Helping you to identify and achieve your goals, navigate your life transitions, clarify your purpose, and overcome your obstacles and limiting beliefs.  

Executive Coaching:  Supporting you to enhance your leadership skills, address your professional challenges, strengthen your emotional intelligence, and improve your communications.


International Motivational Speaking

Delivering inspiring and uplifting speeches and talks that aim to motivate and energize your audiences onsite or virtually.


Drawing on personal and professional experiences to provide insights, ignite action, encourage positive changes, overcome obstacles, and positively impact lives.


Covering a wide range of topics, including leadership, communication, personal and professional development, life transitions, attitude, teaming and more.

“Your life today is a result of your thinking yesterday. Your life tomorrow will be determined by what you think today”

John Maxwell

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